Double stretching, 2011. Woolen, handmade carpet, 100smX230sm.
Thread Intallation
Wave wood, 2011. woolen handmade carpet, 200smX250sm.
Stretching, 2011. Woolen handmade carpet, 100smX230sm.
Wave plastic, 2012. Woolen handmade carpet, 200smX250sm.
Stretched, unraveled, sculpted, and reinterpreted, artist Faig Ahmed's work masterfully redefines the Azerbaijani tradition of carpet making. According to his artist's statement:
Carpet is more a time structure than a graphical one. Initially it was considered as a sophisticated sort of writing rather than a mere decorative piece. And to read those written signs is a temporal process. By separating those signs and symbols Faiq switches the carpet from two-dimensional plane to three-dimensional space where it comes to life. Basically the artist trenches upon a sancta sanctorum of Azerbaijanian carpet-making tradition. But being a modern-day version of a God’s fool the artist easily gets away with it. With this technique the artist translates traditional carpet language into universal language of contemporary art, making it understandable for the rest of the people.See more of these incredible textile works on Ahmed's website.
(Via The Jealous Curator and designboom)
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