Thursday, August 30, 2012

Neil Dawson - horizons

Nope, you're not imagining things. That giant, incongruous piece of paper that appears to have been drawn into the landscape is not, in fact, a piece of paper at all. Nor is it an illustrative addition to a pastoral scene. Titled Horizons (1994), it is, instead, a 15 x 10 x 36m (49.2 x 32.8 x 118.11ft) welded and painted steel sculpture by New Zealand-based artist Neil Dawson.

Created for Gibbs Farm, the Auckland site of a pretty remarkable sculpture collection, Dawson's work is situated on one of the highest points of the property, allowing it to be seen from the road. As the Gibbs Farm website explains, "This seems fitting given the way the tromp l’oeil character of the work is suggestive of a giant piece of corrugated iron that might have blown in from a collapsed water tank on some distant farm, only to rest precariously until the next gale lifts it into the air again." If I ever visit New Zealand, Gibbs Farm is definitely going to be a must-see for me.

(Via The Jealous Curator)


  1. The Gibbs farm is not far from where my parents live.. I haven't been on the farm itself but from the road there are a couple of stunning pieces of sculpture!

  2. i went up there a few weeks ago, its awesome! definitely a must-do! :)


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