Thursday, July 7, 2011

peonies and a summer fruit bonanza

Due to my lack of photoshop skills, you might be tempted to say that you've seen more beautiful peonies than these, but I promise you that you truly haven't. I picked up these lovelies a few weeks ago from Eric at Saipua, and while they only lasted for a few days, for that brief amount of time, they certainly were the highlight of my apartment.

In other news, it is, without a doubt, summer outside, and that means an abundance of fruit at my local farmer's market. After purchasing what are possibly the last strawberries of the season with the hope of making a strawberry shortcake, I instead came across a recipe for strawberry summer cake on Smitten Kitchen, and couldn't resist. Not only is it a good as it looks, with the cake part just light and fluffy enough for summer, but it was so fragrant, even hours after coming out of the oven, that the smell alone would have probably been worth it for me. I made some lavender whip cream to go along with this baby, and it was pretty much a perfect 4th of July cake. 

Patrick also got in on the fruit bonanza. After bringing home some cherries that were just a little too sour to eat, he continued on the galette-making spree that he'd started a few months before (we still have leftover pâte brisée in the freezer, so I have a feeling that there's more to come) by baking this beauty. It also made an appearance on the 4th, and was happily enjoyed by all.

So what's up next? I'm thinking that either blueberry or raspberry picking are in my immediate future, and definitely peaches later in the season. And until then, there are always farmer's markets.

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