Monday, November 15, 2010

Mangas rugs for Gandia Blasco

Now here's a different take on rugs. The Mangas (sleeves) collection, by Patricia Urquiola for Gandia Blasco, fits its name perfectly. Not only does this collection feature 8 different models - including Mangas Farol (bellowed), Mangas Campana (bell-shaped) and Globo (balloon) - all of which play off of the "sleeve" theme, but they also include different combinations of shapes, colors and textures. Together, this gives the impression the these are more over-sized sweaters than rugs, a look that is incredibly visually and tactually inviting.

(Via Contemporist)

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for your kind words and being part of my small game.

    Greetings from grey Finland, but with warm cups of tea!


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